24 May

In the next several blogs, we are going to provide numerous ways to empower women. We want you to be fully engaged in this topic. We implore you to leave your feedback or questions  in our comment section, so we may read, review and respond to you, when necessary.

First, let's take a look at the word empowerment and its meaning. 

Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your life and claiming your rights. 

As you can see, it is a powerful and profound word.   

As I looked over a list of ways to empower women, I pulled together these 3 words: Teach, Train, and Test

Now let us delve into finding out just how we can empower the working woman.

TEACH  (Teaching is empowering)

Teaching builds the foundation for learning through platforms such as, providing information, case studies, observations, lectures, instructing, showing, and explaining to (someone) how to do something. 

Although teaching may be a fundamental element in the empowering process it is necessary in equipping women to be knowledgeable, educated and confident in what they know.

In other words, to empower women, teach them what you know.

TRAIN  (Training is empowering)

Training is one of the best elements in empowerment. It creates the opportunities to experience learning, by hands-on exposure, and practice, up close, and sometimes front and center.

Hands-on experiences and a lot of practice will build the confidence needed to empower women to be bold.

TEST  (Testing is empowering)

Now the word test, may seen like a scary word, but let me assure you that it is not. It is actually a good word. The word test is simply putting into practice or reality, what you already know, recently learned or recall.

Testing is a gauge. It allows you to examine, evaluate and assess your strong and weak points, altogether.

To empower women, let them know that tests can be indicators in determining whether they have or have not mastered something. 

To get answers, ask them questions, test their skill-sets, test their abilities, and question their reasoning or logic to prove whether or not they are experts in their domain.

Testing can build confidence and boldness in those eager to be empowered.

Who are the teachers, trainers, and testers, empowering you?

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