22 Sep

Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your life and claiming your rights. As we continue to share ways to empower women, we want you to join our discussion by posting in our comment section. We want to hear from you. 

Thinking outside the box has given us an opportunity to approach this topic in unconventional ways. We're looking at empowering women through planning, preparing, and problem-solving.

Planning (Planning is empowering)

We could look at planning as a roadmap or blueprint that guides us on how to complete a task before attempting to begin it.

I'll say, planning empowers women with the ability to think about and successfully manage activities or tasks, with the help of available resources, to achieve and implement specific goals. However, when we achieve and implement specific goals or tasks, it gives us confidence to take on other challenging opportunities or objectives.

Preparing (Preparing is empowering)

When we talk about preparation, we realize it is a proceeding or readiness for a future event as a goal and an acceptable accomplished final outcome, or a successful experience. Just as we said for planning, preparing gives us confidence to take on other challenging opportunities, as we expect an acceptable and successful outcome due to our preparation.

Problem-solving (Problem-solving is empowering)

Problem-solving requires elements of communication, creativity, dependability, decision-making, leadership, and comprehensive analysis which is needed for any role in leadership, management or solving a problem.

Problem-solving is important because it enables us to exert control over our environment, and it gives us a mechanism for identifying problems, or issues, figuring out why they are broken and determining a course of action to fix them.

This form of empowerment is always useful in being confident that any problem can be solved with a resolute solution.

In which mechanism, (planning, preparing, or problem-solving) have you realized your most empowering moment?

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