22 Jun

Empowerment is the process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling your life and claiming your rights. 

This time, as we continue to provide ways to empower women, we'll share about coaching, collaborating, and committing. 

You too can be empowered through these channels.

Coach (Coaching is empowering)

Coaching is analyzing and unlocking a person's potential to maximize their own performance, as well as instructing them in relevant skills, and providing encouragement.  It is also a form of development in which an experienced person supports someone else in achieving a specific, personal, or professional goal through training and guidance.   

The following qualities of a good coach should be:

  • Positive and enthusiastic
  • Supportive and trusting
  • Focused and goal-oriented 
  • Knowledgeable and observant 
  • Respectful
  • Patient and a clear communicator, when coaching others.

These qualities are necessary for empowering women.

Collaborate (Collaborating is empowering)

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." – Helen Keller  

Collaboration is the process of two or more people or organizations working together to complete a task or achieve a goal. In short, it's teaming up, and working together.

Collaboration empowers women by allowing them to contribute to a variety of forums by expressing their ideas, their views, and their recommendations.

Commitment (Committing is empowering)

The act of committing can be a bit daunting for some—and empowering for others. In other words,  when you agree to do something—and you do not follow through repeatedly—others will consider you to be unreliable, and untrustworthy, which could ruin your reputation, and so, it can be a bit daunting. On the other hand, this could boost your reputation as a reliable and trustworthy person, meaning, when you agree to do something, and you follow through, you are therefore deemed dependable.

Committing can be empowering because it proves that you have the capacity to make decisions that will affect you and others—now and in the future. 

In addition, making a commitment determines accountability and trustworthiness.

These two factors—accountability and trustworthiness helps to build your reputation—thus, increasing your confidence, and decision-making skills.

In short, commitment is empowering and you too can commit to a cause, a committee, an activity,  a positive trait or characteristic, a course of action, a healthier life, and to be the best you, by simply agreeing to do it, or be it.

As it has been said, commitment is one of the most important principles of success.

What are you committed to? Did it empower you?

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